Wednesday 15 February 2012


Two hours of Chemistry, did some coursework thing then the second half of the lesson did some practical - and I genuinely do not remember anything. Lunch at Banana Tree with Vee then Biology which was just a piss about.

No college.

As I had no work, Yakuza 4. all day, err' day. /kill me.

Happy Valentines Day~ i'm not much of a fan tbh as it's a stupid celebration - you shouldn't be loving someone on just that day only. But anyways, past midnight or so, Ian asked me to be his Valentine for the day which was pretty cute and funny hahah. Seeing our Facebook relationship status change and the reactions we got was pretty funny - congratulations and such, even one of his friends adding me which was fucking hilarious. Went out during the day with Ella and le Mother, did some grocery shopping and yeah, not much tbh. Terresa stayed for dinner as Duong was working late so they couldn't celebrate Valentines Day - but can you believe this was their 12th Valentines day? So cute.

'Broke up' from Ian after midnight - he cheated on me with his 40-year-old lecturer. Haha, our divorce plan took quite a while. Anyway, got up at 1ish with the worst flu symptoms (blame Mother) and got ready to go to Waterloo to meet up with Celine. Was 10 minutes early so I had a brief catch up with Carrie on the phone ^_^. Celine was 10 minutes late like bleeeh. Got myself a seaweed onigiri and chicken karaage then off we went~ got the Northern Line to Kentish Town and walked to the studio~ one hour session went by too quickly and didn't really manage to get any recordings done which sucked. Went out to Central and met up with Samah, Mandy & Chris - whom was with some girl, heyheyhey ;) - at HK Cafe~ Had a catch up & bumped into Ga Ming and Henry with their friends. Chris and his friend left and then Mandy left so it was just me, Samah and Celine. Me and Celine decided to just stay there for dinner - Fujian fried rice, nomnomnom. Then went to buy takeout for my sister and omg, Celine's stupid moment:

"Where's 'Crispy Duck' restaurant?"
"The one with the ducks hanging"

What's worse is that Vera happened to ring me and I asked her the same question with her saying:

"In Chinatown"

...WTH GUYS. But yeah, found it. Ordered takeout then went to a supermarket to get me some Hello Panda :D Milk flavour, nom. Cheryl was pinging me at the time and turns out her and Vera got me the exact same present as Celine for my birthday. LOL, whoops D: anyways, collected takeout and Samah left so me and Celine went to LV to play pool (and charge my phone hohoho) but no tables where free. Played DJ Max..and then a pool table became free. LIKE FUUU. Vera and her friend Jonathan(?) joined us and they played pool. Waited for them and then went to Gamezone for like half an hour which was totally pointless. Left there at 9ish with Vee and got myself a mango sago (?) and then home~ train was so effed up -.- got home at 10ish, packed and dossed about for like 3-4 hours.. LOL. Slept at 4am.

Got up at 8am and got ready~ got to Marylebone at 10 and waited for Pris~ had breakfast at Etsu - salmon and cream cheese bagel ^_^ got the 11:07 train to Birmingham Snow Hill and here I am on the train blogging cos I cba to do work. LOL, fml.


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