Monday 17 June 2013


Work. Zzz.

Work. Had a brief catch up on the phone with PK~ when I say brief, it was like an hour long lol. Was just catching up on life and HK mainly hehe. Went round to hers after to discuss more about HK and DMCed ;) was there for like 4/5 hours - went so quick o.o Ga Ming actually came over as we'll and we had a talk toooo, been ages since I've seen him D; so left Pris at like 11 and me and Ga Ming went to take tube together. Damn, I don't remember the last time I went on a tube so late but fuck, these buskers playing drums and sax. WAEEEEE TWT. Got home at 12.

Chill day. On my way now to orthodontics~ braces soon, woo! I genuinely can't wait haha.



Friday 14 June 2013


Had college to do some final adjustments to our presentation that we had to present the next day. Stayed up all night to do it :(.

D-Day. Morning was spent rehearsing then more final adjustments. Went to the Wellcome Trust where we was presenting. While waiting for our turn, random girl just goes to me and my group 'have you got a problem'. Like lol, wtf, no, you're the one that has a fucking problem. Not gonna bother going into detail but my response was just 'do I? K.' /goes back to playing candy crush. Dumb bitches, afterwards heard them like 'look at them all on their phones'. Bitch plox, I was on my iPad beforehand anyways. Anywaysssss, had our presentation which was a success. It wasn't perfect but could've been worse. Decision made and we came in second place :) and my friend just goes 'haha, those bitches came last'. Rofl, tsssss. So yep, happy days. One of the prizes was this;

Some plastic dog that's worth £52..and it was the smallest size. Oh the looks on the way Got home and Ella was there so that was a surprise heh. And came home to new toms as well~ plus my new iPad case and screen protector. Good day :)

Felt pretty shit so no college. Managed to get loads of work done and babysat too. Make two different curries for dinner: chicken korma and lamb jalfrezi. 'twas gerrrrrd. Omnomnom.

It's now the 14th and just clearing out some stuff. Manage to throw away some old stuff that is irrelevant to me now, making space for new memories.


Monday 10 June 2013


Hello blog!

It has been a while. Haven't been able to update much since..well, I actually don't know why. Life has been pretty hectic yet slowish. I seriously cannot believe it's already June. It's gonna be my birthday again in half a year! Seriously, this year has gone way too quick.

All I've really been doing is college and family time really. I've been babysitting a lot to be quite honest, so much that I should put it on my cv lol. Ryan's nearly one year old! I still remember the day he was born! Oh my..5am, really kid? Haha. I found myself a new job in April, this time a retail job! Not 'forever-a-takeaway girl' after all. It's really drained me but at least I'm not having to save anymore. Well I save but I didn't spend carelessly whereas now I'm free to do so - not that I do!! Around May, I booked my holiday to Hong Kong, which I'm suuuuuper excited for. I'm going for 2 and a half-ish weeks, which sucks since I was initially planning to go for like 7 weeks. But due to work, I could only take that much time off. But it's okay, better than no holiday right? In June, I've started to work at a takeaway again for a family friend. The hours work with my other job and I have time to waste so I thought why not heh. 

And then here I am, blogging.
I really should blog more often'll be nice to look back in a few years time to see what I was doing. And so, I promise to blog more now on. Not an empty promise, a proper promise.


Saturday 2 February 2013


This day was too good, it also deserves its own post.

Apart from the boring stuff (college, blah), I went out afterwards, hopefully to bump into Lee Hongki who is currently in London. I roamed around Tottenham Court Road for a bit but eventually ended up in Starbucks to charge my phone and Twitter to see any updates from him or anyone that has sighted him. After 2 hours+ of being in Starbucks, I eventually left - when my battery was fully charged - and walked down towards Oxford Circus. I decided to stop at Topshop Oxford Circus cos I was on the brink of giving up, till Hongki just happened to tweet. He tweeted his whereabouts and he was at the 100club which I happened to walk past not long ago.

So I walked back but I was shaking so effing much on what would I do if I saw him. I mean, this is my bias we're on about here. What happened is that when I got there, about ten minutes after, I saw these two guys come out which I've seen before in a picture Hongki tweeted either one or two days ago. So I thought, yes, he's definitely currently in there. I was literally spazzing out to my friends on Whatsapp. Eventually, Hongki came outside and oh my god, I literally froze and my heart skipped a beat. I just kept spamming my friends and I just couldn't stop looking at him. He's frickin' perfect. He came out to smoke and then went back in not long after. But while he was outside, I could not pluck the courage to go up to him. I was in so much shock and I was just shaking - a feeling I haven't had before. I rang Virginia and persuaded her to join me which was nice but during that time I was waiting, I was on the phone to Carmen just spazzing out and crying for a good half an hour - I was actually hysterical. Virginia joined me half an hour later and then it happened.

A whole group of people who were in the venue came out and then Hongki came out too. He was with 3 other people - two guys (from before and the Twitter picture) and a girl. I still couldn't pluck up the courage to go up to him but I think Hongki knew we was fans as he kept on looking at us. Next thing I knew, Virginia skipped over to him and this was the conversation:

VN: Hi!
HK: Hi!
VN: Can we take a picture with you?
HK: Do you know who I am?
VN: ...Lee Hongki~
HK: Noo..I'm not famous hehe
SY: Yes you are! You're Lee Hongki!
HK: Haha, ah fuck, yes I am (more cute smiles waaah /faints/)
VN: So can we take pictures with you?
HK: Okay~!

/took pictures for Virginia and Hongki/

Then, the following conversation is in Japanese:
SY: Can we take a picture together?
HK: Okay~ wow, are you Japanese?
SY: No, I'm Chinese heh
HK: Oh, so how come you know Japanese?
-I blanked out at this moment because I was too starstruck so I replied in English-
SY: ..studied? Haha
HK: (back to Japanese) Oh, nice!

/SY&HK picture taking - Virginia is shit at taking pictures btw/

Virginia then tried to get a pic with us three and cos she was bad:
SY: ...that was shit
HK: Yeah, that was fucking bad! (LOL)

I then took a selca with him - which I will treasure forever LOL. We then proceeded with conversation in English:
SY: So how do you like London?
HK: Thank you! (LOL, i could not stop laughing)
SY: How long are you staying for?
HK: 3 days~
SY: Oh okay, have fun then
HK: Will do~ thank you!

Then we went. I would've asked more questions/took more pictures but I was way too starstruck to do anything and I didn't want to bother him any longer. I would've stalked him /joke/.
This is one of the best highlights of my life - meeting one of my biases - and I'll never forget this day.

EDIT (020213 - 6:20am - last updated 3:27pm):
1. I went out to run errands - I was only keeping track with updates - my intention was not to stalk but I thought if i'm lucky enough that he will tweet his whereabouts, I would stop by to hopefully meet someone truly inspiring as Hongki. 
2. The fact that he 'smokes' - I did not think that it was unknown to fans of his so I mentioned it here. Sorry if I was 'exposing' but as I said, I did not think it was new news. Also, he did not seem to hide the fact that he does as he's holding it clearly in pictures me and my friend took with him - I even waited for him to finish to take the picture.
3. Everything in this blog post is true. From the swearing to the conversation, everything.
4. VN is my friend Virginia. SY is me, Sally. HK is..well, you know. :)
5. I did not make this post to tarnish his image - I love the guy. I'm just sharing my experience to others. If I was to leave out information/give false information, then that's not much of a fan account is it?
6. Do not call yourself a primadonna if you say "I hate Hongki because he smokes". How does that affect you, like really? Should love him the way he is and he hasn't changed. 


12/01/13 & 15/01/13

Happy birthday to me!
My birthday is the 12th of Jan but I had two separate celebrations.

On the 12th, I met up with Carrie in Piccadilly and we was gonna go to Laduree in Burlington Arcade but didn't know that it wasn't indoor seating so we went to Laduree Harrods. Had a yummy cream puff and a bleurgh tea, courtesy of Carrie ❤ had a brief catch up and then she had to go to work :( met up with Priscilla during her lunch break and we had lunch at Mango Tree which was nom nom nom. Went home to get ready again and had a family dinner at Frankie and Bennys which again, was nom nom nom. Basically, all I done was eat. LOL.

On the 15th, me, Priscilla, Vera, Celine and Virginia all gathered for afternoon tea at The Georgian Harrods. Really am not that much of a fan of afternoon tea but nonetheless, it was nice. Nice to have a good catchup as well :) they got me the most loveliest presents (also the most mo liu!) and I cannot ask for better friends. Afterwards, Virginia left and I kinda blanked out here..don't remember what we did lol. I just remember we eventually went to have dinner at Cafe Rouge - nom, steak! xD

All in all, great birthday celebrations with great people. I love you all 
