Thursday 12 January 2012

A very happy birthday. :)

So yeah, it's my birthday today (12/01/12)~ i already kinda celebrated it though as on the 5th Jan was my Chinese birthday so yeah but i'll go through with yday and today:

Had the best sleep ever in ages. Felt so good to relax as there's no other exams but need to make the most of it this week as next week is hardcore revision. *sigh. But anyways, got up pretty early - 6ish. Went to gym at 12pm~ got back, had a small lunch, got ready and yeah, stuck around till 6ish and went out. We was meant to be going out for my birthday dinner but there was too much traffic so we ordered take out at T+D's. Two large pizzas and 3 sides from Papa Johns. Omg, there was 6 of us and one pizza was left untouched. LOL, fail. So yeah, today was a fail but at least I got to spend time with my family :) gonna go out for my birthday dinner on sunday tho, hehe~

Happy 17th! LOL woke up to so much spam from my babies.
Yeah, got up at 10ish and online shopped LOL. Then got ready for college at 1 as I didn't have no Psy lesson today = going in later! :D s'all good. :) went college for Chemistry which was pretty alright~ then me and Vera just went Central for no reason. LOLOL. And she's gonna get me the Teen Top 'It's' mini-album, like OHHH MY GOD. When she told me, I was like :') love her♥ anyways, got the bus to Central and then walked through Soho to go HMV Oxford Circus and she goes:

"Damn, if only we was 18 and you turnt 18 today, I'll take you to these shops and buy you whatever you want/need"

I was like LOLOLOLOLOL, WTFFF. xD yeah, then we bumped into Samah~ the noob didn't even know it was my bday xD but yeah, went HMV and debated for a while whether to get expensiuuu. D: so yeah, left emptyhanded. Went back to Chinatown and got some buns and went home. Had dinner, watched Parent Trap and now just relaxing~

Pointless day right?
Ah wells, i'm still happy :)
Couldn't really ask for more hehe.
Still got dinner on Sunday~

Today, I saw Will Rush from Waterloo Road (LOLOLOL, SO RANDOM) and got a job interview with Benefit. It's so random but yeah. x)

I need to get round to replying to messages, I love everyone that wished me a happy birthday and the beauts that got/are getting me presents.
Love you guyyys

Hope this year brings me alot of love, luck and joy. AND SMARTNESS. 8)


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